President Boylan Responds to NHSPA Letter Regarding PA Representation on NHMS Council

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Throughout the Society’s history, collaboration and inclusion of the wider clinical community has been a priority to our members and leaders. The Society has worked, and continues to ensure the representation of diverse voices on the NHMS’s Council to encourage a broad spectrum of perspectives, including the physician assistant perspective. 

Recently, President Boylan received a certified letter from Malcolm Hauthaway, PA-C in his capacity as the president of the NH Society of Physician Assistants (NHSPA). The letter, and subsequent communications sent to their members, made sweeping accusations surrounding the NHMS’ legislative efforts to defeat HB 1222 this past session, and called into question our long-term successful and congenial relationship with Linda Martino, DScPAS, PA-C, who has been a valued member of the NHMS Council for many years.

The Medical Society’s commitment to collaboration and to ensuring meaningful dialogue with other clinical providers is unwavering. President Boylan, in response, directly and firmly addressed accusations against the NHMS, its leadership, and defended our advocacy efforts this year in opposition to independent practice of physician assistants in New Hampshire. President Boylan acknowledges the importance of Ms. Martino’s thoughtful and insightful contributions to the NHMS Council, her near perfect attendance record at meetings, and the value of collaborative clinical care to New Hampshire’s patients.