Get to Know NHMS President: Patrick Ho, MD

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At the November Annual Scientific Meeting, Patrick Ho, MD was installed as the NH Medical Society's 234th president. We caught up with Dr. Ho recently to find out a bit more about his history and interests as he takes the reins of this important role at a critical time in the Society's growth.

Dr. Ho completed his undergraduate degree at Kent State University and medical degree at Northeast Ohio Medical University. His residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock brought him to New Hampshire and he's 

put down roots here with his wife Leanna. Currently a staff psychiatrist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and Clinic, Dr. Ho is excited to be leading NHMS in 2025.

Active in the Society since early in his career, Dr. Ho first served on the NHMS Council as the Resident representative and later served on the Council as the NH Psychiatric Society representative. He's currently the penultimate past president of the NH Psychiatric Society.

We asked Dr. Ho what led him to become a physician. "I was inspired to go into medicine because of the excellent and compassionate care that I got from physicians when I was young. As I went through medical school and psychiatry residency, it became very clear that physicians practice in very complex settings, and that there are so many factors that affect a patient’s health status." 

While completing his residency, Dr, Ho broadened his knowledge and attained his MPH in Public Health. "Wanting to gain a deeper understanding of systems of care and social determinants of health drove me to also complete a preventive medicine residency and get my MPH degree."

With a comprehensive span of medical training and experience, it's clear that Dr. Ho is well positioned to represent NH physicians during his tenure. When asked about his platform as president, he commented, "In addition to continuing the great work that Dr. Boylan did during her presidency, I want to also use my presidency to focus on mental health care. I believe that it is critical that we help expand access to timely and high-quality mental health care services, as I know that many of my colleagues who are not psychiatrists are seeing patients that have mental health care concerns and are not sure how to get this care. The disparity in mental health care resources is even worse in the most rural parts of our state. I believe that we must address this issue with innovative solutions that are oriented towards population health." 

When asked what most excites him about the future of medicine, Dr. Ho replied, "I am most excited about novel biological approaches to the treatment of mental health disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. New

 medications and treatment modalities seem very promising and can really add to the toolbox of treatments that we can use for our patients!"

    With little time for hobbies, Dr. Ho still finds time for fun. "I am an avid skier, hiker, and crossfitter, and I love traveling to national parks. The photo is from the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado!"

    To join Dr. Ho and the NH Medical Society in tackling public health, mental health, advocacy, and more in 2025, please contact the Society at and we will plug you in and get you involved!