Legislative Update 2-10-2025

Posted By: Cathy Stratton Latest News,

Monday February 10

  • SB128 - CHILDREN’S HEALTH - relative to children's mental health services for persons 18 years of age and younger. (Health and Human Services)   |  10:45 am, SH 100

  • New Hampshire Opioid Abatement  |  1:00 – 3:00 pm, TEAMS Meeting (ID: 279 737 604 573; Passcode: zKPHQY)

  • Subcommittee on Alzheimer’s (Dax Volle, rep for NHMS)  |  2:00 – 4:00 pm, SH 100

Tuesday February 11

  • 🎯HB560 - CHILDREN’S HEALTH - relative to parental access to a minor child's medical records. (Children and Family Law)  |  11:00 am, LOB 206-208

  • SB238-FN - CHILDREN’S HEALTH - extending funding for the adverse childhood experiences prevention and treatment pilot program. (Finance)   |  1:25 pm, SH 103

Wednesday February 12

  • 🎯HB524 - PUBLIC HEALTH/CHILDREN’S HEALTH - repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association.  |  10:30 am, LOB 301 - NHMS encourages members to register or testify in opposition to this bill. Sign in virtually to take a position and/or submit testimony. Urge the Committee to oppose the bill. HB 524 would discontinue the NHVA, meaning that doctor's offices would have to manage their own inventory and bill insurance companies at full price. Families would likely be required to pay a portion through co-pays and co-insurance. HB 524 adds unnecessary cost barriers for both families and doctors' offices.

  • SB256 - DRUG AFFORDABILITY - relative to the affordability and safety of clinician administered drugs.  |  9:15 am, LOB 101

  • HB704 - SENIOR CARE - relative to caregiver respite and senior volunteer programs and making an appropriation therefor. “This bill makes appropriations to the department of health and human services for the purpose of funding the Alzheimer's disease and related disorder (ADRD) caregiver respite program, the foster grandparent program, the retired senior volunteer program, and the senior companions program.”  |  9:30 am, LOB 301-303

  • HB597 - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH - establishing a designated behavioral health access point within the enhanced 911 system. (Criminal Justice and Public Safety)   |  10:00 am, LOB 202-204