Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination Program among NH Provider Practices Grants
Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination Program among NH Provider Practices Grants
The grants for “Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination Program among NH Provider Practices” are facilitated by the NH Medical Society through the NH Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Services, Bureau of Infectious Disease Control with Center for Disease Control (CDC) federal funds as mandated by the American Rescue Plan (P.L. 117-2).
CDC grant funds are available and intended for health care practices, clinics and medical offices (not providing services as a community health center, federally qualified health center, or hospital and their affiliates) to increase infrastructure and capacity to administer and reduce access barriers to COVID-19 vaccinations. Please note that COVID-19 vaccine support funding for CHCs, FQHCs and hospitals is being coordinated through separate state contracts with the NH Hospital and Bi-State Primary Care Associations.
The grants are to assist independent health care practices/clinics in ensuring proper vaccine storage handling, administration, and documentation in accordance with state and federal guidance. All applications and documentation must be submitted by the 10th of the month for the previous month's expenses in order to meet NHMS's submission deadline to DHHS on the 15th of the month.
Grant request applications may request assistance for one or more of the following expense categories:
- Clinical Support (for the provision of COVID-19 vaccines)
- Administrative Support (for the provision of COVID-19 vaccines, including technical IT assistance)
- Equipment (e.g., freezers, refrigerators, data loggers)
- Technology Support (for the provision of establishing NH Immunization Information System (NHIIS) HL7 interface).
Application Process
- Contact Julie Sawyer for a preliminary call to confirm eligibility and walk-through the application process.
- Once eligibility is confirmed, the practice officer must complete an obligation agreement to adhere to provide online quarterly reports for one year (see data elements below).
- Approved practices/clinics may submit reimbursement requests below.
- Please use the Grant Expense Report Template when submitting qualifying expenses. All requests for expense reimbursements must include supporting documentation, including weekly timesheets signed by both employee and direct supervisor specifying vaccine-related hours worked vs total hours, payroll reports verifying pay period, and copies of all paid invoices and receipts.
- Review and approval of completed requests are on a rolling basis. As of July 1, 2023, reimbursement for retroactive expenses will not be allowed. However, you may apply for funds monthly until available funds are exhausted.
- All requests and documentation must be submitted by the 10th of the month for the previous month’s expenses in order to meet NHMS’s submission deadline to DHHS.
COVID-19 Vaccine Support Grant Expense Report Template.xlsx (may automatically download)
Questions about the grants or application process can be addressed to Jane Tewksbury or Julie Sawyer or by phone at 603-224-1909.
Click here for the application Click here for an Excel template
All requests and documentation must be submitted by the 10th of the month for the previous month’s expenses in order to meet NHMS’s submission deadline to DHHS.
Quarterly Reporting
Grant recipients are required to submit quarterly online reports. Email reminders will be sent two weeks prior to the deadline and one day prior to deadline to have grant recipients complete their online quarterly reporting following DHHS Information Security Requirements. Providers will be required to either login to a portal, or complete an online form, and submit the following information. Failure to complete the quarterly reports in a timely manner may result in revocation of the grant or non-consideration for future NH DHHS funding opportunities. All applications and documentation must be submitted by the 10th of the month for the previous month's expenses in order to meet NHMS's submission deadline to DHHS on the 15th of the month.
The NH Medical Society will provide an annual report of aggregated data summarizing participation, outcomes, challenges, strengths, and needs for the upcoming year based on quarterly reported data. Direct all questions related to quarterly reports to Jane Tewksbury.
Report Elements
- Description of COVID-19 vaccination activities performed, resulting impacts to individuals and families served, and other outcomes.
- Efforts, successes, and challenges experienced with local community-based organizations and stakeholders to promote vaccine awareness and uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Efforts, successes, and challenges experienced in reaching high-risk and underserved populations to promote and offer COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Efforts, successes, and challenges experienced in addressing vaccine misinformation and promoting vaccine confidence and uptake, especially within racial and ethnic minority populations.
- Potential barriers and solutions identified in the past quarter for low vaccination uptake in specific communities.
- Efforts, successes, and challenges experienced in providing community engagement.
- The number who were administered COVID-19 vaccination within the reporting period by the following age ranges: birth- 4 years old, 5-11 years old, 12-17 years old, and 18 years and older.
- Efforts, successes, and challenges experienced in utilizing NHIIS and implementing NHIIS HL7 messaging.
- Status of NHIIS HL7 onboarding for each health care practice including, but not limited to:
- current HL7 onboarding phase and
- number of resources assigned and roles, including number of FTEs required.